
Friday 16 June 2017

One Piece Chapter 866 : Natural Destroyer Review

Cover Story:

Dropping in on the lives of the grand pirate fleet, Vol.3"Cavendish, Prince of the Bourgeois Kingdom is so popular that not a single young woman in the country has married"

This is a continuation from the previous cover story where Cavendish is standing on his ship's deck pondering about his childhood with Suleiman by his side and Farul having a cup of tea. (Farul breaks the hooves rules like chopper)

We see the Cavendish in the balcony of his castle and the people below raising their hands up to him. A woman on the left is in tears whereas a woman on the right has somewhat of a froth coming out of her mouth and she appears to have fainted. A police officer seems to be holding her from falling to the ground.

This shows a good insight as to how Oda-sensei wanted Cavendish to be portrayed in Dressrosa. What got me going was the Bourgeois Kingdom. Bourgeois means the French Middle class. To be precise - of the French Middle Class Kingdom. For a place that seems so rich I wonder why Oda would've tried to put that word into it. I see something coming in the future - Cavendish actually being from a Middle-Class family but pretending to be all rich and stuff. But you never know with Oda and his writing.

Into the chapter:

Last chapter Oda teased us a flashback into Elbaf after Big Mom started thinking about Mother Caramel. This chapter, the first panel shows us a glimpse of Elbaf. The rocky mountains with a ship at the side gives a very Viking-esque feel to this. If you notice the background, there is a large shadow of some kind of tree.

The next panel we see that this ship was actually a ship of a pirate crew(not confirmed yet) which had Big Mom on it. Let me be honest about this - Big Mom looked so cute as a 5-year old. And she is confirmed to be a human by Oda. So all theories about her being a giant go down the drain in an instant. So we see Big Mom's parents standing right there in front of her. They seem to be wanting to leave her on this island from the way her mother says that her father has some work around the place. She seems to have a knapsack containing some candy. They tell her to eat as much as she wants. She gets so happy when she hears that.

Next page we see her mother crying and her father trying to tell hber mother that its the right thing to do since LinLin(Big Mom) caused a bunch of casualties. Oh my! Whatever country they are from seems to have wanted her out of the country. Her father coun tinues with saying that there is some sort of a holy mother who lives on the island that can help LinLin. We see two of the crew mates there as well.  We see Little LinLin enjoying the sights of Elbaf with the huge fish in the sea. It cuts forward to the winter season it seems and LinLin is still waiting for her parents baring the brunt of the cold. 

Next page shows us Dorry and Broggy. The narration explains to us that 100 years ago the Giant Warriors that terrorized the world "Giant Soldier Pirate Crew" lost their two captains and that its a legend. After they pirate crew broke up the lingering giants from the crew were caught by the marines and were being brought to trial. At the gallows a beautiful young nun comes up the crowd telling them to stop the execution of the giants as the heavens cry for peace. She was introduced as Sister Caramel. Now this was something totally unexpected. A backstory within a backstory. Oda just knows how to hook us into this.

From the next page we see that the people are against the idea of sparing the giants. But Caramel exclaims that if the giants are killed the Warriors of Elbaf will take up arms again. So the giants fought the world before (or maybe the world government specifically) as an act of revenge. She tells the people to forgive the giants and wants everyone to join hands and smile. Narration then lets us know that after that even Caramel was called Holy Mother and she would take in children who had nowhere to go to, without regard of class or race into the Lamb's House. On this page we see a light shining on Caramel when she tells everyone to forgive the giants. Its kinda inteesting but at this point we all know what it it (SPOILER:She used the Soul Soul Fruit to control the Clouds and Light). We also see 4 children which includes a fish man and a child from the long leg tribe.

The next page cuts forward into the future of the backstory where you see Caramel grown old (80 years). She is with the children of the lamb's house. The children seem to be really interesting. We see Caramel welcoming LinLin to the Lamb's house. The children on the other hand know that they were discarded by their families because they were no good and seem to be telling LinLin about it as well.

Next page we see the children freaking out about LinLin's size. We get a narration of the children's background. Then we see a few giant children as well. We see LinLin enjoying the sight of the giants who are larger than her since she has lived her whole life seeing things smaller than her. 

Next page we cut somewhere into the future where LinLin has smacked a bear and lies fallen, apparently dead. She killed a bear by spanking it. OMG!!! I get the chapter's name from this. She hit the bear only once and it died. Just can't seem to get over this.

Mother Caramel seems to be quiet supportive of LinLin even though she has such destructive potential. We have the children freaking out over her killing the bear. They also freak out about her breaking some guy's bones when she was trying to help get rid of a mosquito. She doesn't seem to know the different races in the world and see's them as abnormal people and tries to help them by "fixing" them. She seems like an innocent kid so far. An innocent kid with alot of strength. Caramel just goes around telling everyone to forgive LinLin. She is so cute though.

Isn't that Oimo and Kashi from Ennie's Lobbie?! Yes it is!! A nice call-back to him. We see LinLin playing(terrorizing) with the children. So apparently the giants go on some kind of a fast during the winter. So prior to the fast they have a celebration where they make delicious sweet dish called - Semla. Its a bread that is hollowed out and contains marzipan with cream in it. 

We get a call-back to Hajrudin who we seen in Dressrosa. He seems to be training very hard. We see really old giants with long beards. They are both about 345 years old. They were the former captains of the Giant Pirate Crew. They are adored by all of Elbaf's people. Even Hajrudin seems to really respect them.

On the day of the celebration of the festival, we see LinLin stuffing her face with alot of Semla. The giants seem to have to hold her down to control her and stop her from eating more. We also see those swirly eye pattern when she gets her hunger pangs.

LinLin seems to not be able to control herself she keeps asking for food and semla and then something happens on the sixth day of the fast. LinLin takes down the entire giant village. A 5 year old taking down the entire village of Giants. Yeah let that sink in. Caramel arrives on the scene to see the destruction caused by Big Mom. The older Giant goes to take her down because he considers her to be a demon. Aaaaaaand...... chapter ends with that creepy looking demonic expression on Big Mom's face.

This chapter was really cool. The things that caught me off-guard was that LinLin was always a human to begin with. I bet the candies in her bag have got something to do with her size. Also what was the whole deal with Caramel splitting the skies and stuff. It has got be a devil fruit ability. Anyways look forward to a theory about Big Mom's size.

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